Feeling better…Still have a slight headache…Not as bad as yesterday though…It occurred to me why I had such a bad headache though…No coffee…Made hot tea instead…Coffee was out…Hubby, picked some up at the store in the evening yesterday but it was too late to drink coffee…This morning though, I had my coffee and my headache eased up…Thank You God for relief from my headache…
Well, Dr appointment today for me…Results of my thyroid…Well good and bad news in my opinion…My thyroid levels have went back down a little…Therefore the Dr…Does not suspect a thyroid condition…Still though, I explain to him my heartbreak that I cannot lose this weight…Even though, I am very cautious about what I eat and I am constantly moving around my house…Dr. decides to try a new medicine…He says, a side effect of this medication is weight loss…Let’s see in a few weeks if it works…Thank You God for health insurance…
Super busy day with the kiddos…Trying to get back on a schedule of chores and schoolwork…I finally discovered, admitted and realized, I have a habit of getting lazy while at home…It is not something I am proud of…But it is the truth…My health issues, youngest son’s testing and Dr. appointments and everything else have made my mind a mess and I have found it very hard to focus on exactly what needs done…
Then after a talk with my hubby and the kids…I realized and soaked up my pity party…We as a family need to get back on track…Where I want us to be…Better late then never…And I am happy and proud to announce, I continue to try even when I fail miserably…I love the fact that God still loves me even though, I keep failing on what I should be doing…Thank You God for always loving me…
Back to old rules…Schoolwork and chores for the kiddos and myself need to be done before 9 in the evening…9 is my time with my hubby and free time for the kiddos…I did finally get around to make a school chart for the days of the week…Posted below…Feel free to use for yourself or tweak it as needed…The orginal came from Microsoft word template…I moved things and deleted things to make it work for us…
One thing on my to do list done…I also have been meaning to getting around to make a schedule for me to keep track of the kids’ school days and what they do…After trying different document, templates and creating my own…I decided to pick up a generic spiral bound calendar…$2 at a local Dollar General…It gives me the options to enter the days, months and years…It has enough room for the kids to sign their names and for me to enter a brief summary of their day…I am wanting to do this the older they get…Another think checked off my to do list…Thank You God for giving me the strength to get some goals accomplished today…
Next, I wanted the kids to have individual weekly goal charts for them to check off things when they complete daily school work…I tried repeatedly to make charts and searched the internet…Nothing seemed to catch my interest for what I wanted…Then, I remembered something I bought a few years back…Individual goal charts from a previous curriculum…It has room for names, dates and topics…Yeah, no extra money spent and to do list checked off…I will post pics later…Thank You God for helping me to save money…
Gorgeous day today…Oldest two spent it outside after all the work and chores were done…I just busied myself with working on goals, to do list and staying focused on my dreams and ambitions…
Ta-Ta for now…God natt my readers…Count your blessings and Thank God for at least one thing in your life before closing your eyes tonight…
My Perfect Savior…God you are my answer for all my questions…Please, continue to stay by my side as I learn to trust in you more…
Deuteronomy 5:33 NIV says,
Walk in all the way that the Lord
your God has commanded you, so
that you may live and prosper
and prolong your days in the
land that you will possess.